
by Effenove srls



MetaCampus: The mystery of Rionero is a visual novel with puzzle games produced in collaboration with the students of the Campus G. Fortunato of Rionero in Vulture (PZ).It seems like a day like any other for three students of the G. Fortunato Institute, Matteo, Eva and Giada: the alarm clock rings, breakfast and then everyone goes to school.Once on campus, unexpectedly, they find themselves alone. Where have the classmates, the teachers and all the school workers gone?A mysterious voice will task them with finding three hidden treasures in the Vulture area to bring the school back to normal and uncover the mystery of Rionero. Their paths will split: Matteo will leave for Palazzo Giustino Fortunato, Eva will begin this adventure in search of the treasure on the Campus and Giada will go to the lakes of Monticchio.Initiative carried out as part of the National Cinema and Images Plan for Schools promoted by MIC and MIM, NOTICE D.D. 861 11/03/2022 “The cinematographic and audiovisual language as an object and tool of education and training” – Action C Visioni Fuori Luogo.